streda 17. októbra 2012

Nové TLE - revs 179

1 38853U 98067CP  12290.28654574  .00042939  00000-0  70055-3 0   125
2 38853  51.6512 239.6745 0015224 173.3140 186.8061 15.52030183  1793

Čo vlastne znamená TLE?

101–01Line number1
203–07Satellite number25544
308–08Classification (U=Unclassified)U
410–11International Designator (Last two digits of launch year)98
512–14International Designator (Launch number of the year)067
615–17International Designator (Piece of the launch)A
719–20Epoch Year (Last two digits of year)08
821–32Epoch (Day of the year and fractional portion of the day)264.51782528
934–43First Time Derivative of the Mean Motion divided by two−0.00002182
1045–52Second Time Derivative of Mean Motion divided by six (decimal point assumed)00000-0
1154–61BSTAR drag term (decimal point assumed)-11606-4
1263–63The number 0 (Originally this should have been "Ephemeris type")0
1365–68Element number292
1469–69Checksum (Modulo 10)7

101–01Line number2
203–07Satellite number25544
309–16Inclination [Degrees]51.6416
418–25Right Ascension of the Ascending Node [Degrees]247.4627
527–33Eccentricity (decimal point assumed)0006703
635–42Argument of Perigee [Degrees]130.5360
744–51Mean Anomaly [Degrees]325.0288
853–63Mean Motion [Revs per day]15.72125391
964–68Revolution number at epoch [Revs]56353
1069–69Checksum (Modulo 10)7

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