streda 10. októbra 2012


Nové TLE sú zverejnené od včera a zjavne nie je jasné, ktorý zo satelitov je Niwaka. Môj odhad je 1998-067CN. Bez presných kepleriánskych dát sú oba experimenty neuskutočniteľné.

New TLE are posted on yesterday and apparently it is not confirmed which of the satellites is Niwaka FITSAT-1. My guess is 1998-067CN. Optical detection cw data (PMT) and laser experiment without TLE is impossible. Can anyone advise how to accurately identify Niwaka? Doppler shift and time?

Screenshot from Gpredict

1998-067CN 1 38852U 98067CN 12283.00925092 .00041863 00000-0 69687-3 0 14 2 38852 51.6477 275.8145 0018909 135.8738 224.3701 15.51407904 603 1998-067CP 1 38853U 98067CO 12283.00919217 .00038394 00000-0 64119-3 0 17 2 38853 51.6480 275.8141 0014227 145.1302 215.0858 15.51445930 661 1998-067CQ 1 38854U 98067CP 12283.07336473 .00054398 00000-0 89879-3 0 14 2 38854 51.6473 275.4897 0014651 145.1372 215.0744 15.51582271 671 1998-067CR 1 38855U 98067CQ 12282.68697989 .00022010 00000-0 37095-3 0 12 2 38855 51.6485 277.4123 0014736 146.6828 213.5108 15.51493630 504 1998-067CS 1 38856U 98067CR 12283.00883489 .00069724 00000-0 11405-2 0 11 2 38856 51.6479 275.8106 0018733 136.2088 224.0323 15.51677880 557


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